Pokemon Showdown Commands

  • Garchomp sweeps 11 pokemon ou RainSeven07 vs. My body is regi An entire team based on Assist V-create ou Exeggutor vs. Minato4thHokage An unlikely victory with an unusual Alakazam set ou V4 vs. TryHardPony A successful sweep with Entrainment Truant +.
  • Pokemon Showdown Bot for Node. This is a Pokemon Showdown bot written in JavaScript for Node. This bot is based on commands and features, which are explained here.This is intended to ease bot configuration and customization, separating commands in multiple files, multiple features in different folders and merging functions in Global Objects like Bot, CommandParser or Settings.
  • Pokemon Showdown Commands Help by Jmainejj. And the parameters 'FE' or 'NFE' can be added to search fully or not-fully evolved Pokemon only.

The Crown Tundra update for Pokemon Showdown has been released! You can now use the new and returning Pokemon in the Generation 8 formats. /away and /busy commands. Additionally, users will automatically be marked as idle after a prolonged period of inactivity.

Pokemon Showdown How To Get Custom Avatar

Nov 5th, 2016

Smogon Pokemon Showdown Commands

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  1. /nick [username]: Changes your username to the words you place in the username argument. Will prompt the logging in box if username is registered.
  2. /avatar [number]: Changes your avatar to one of the default ones on Showdown.
  3. /rating, /rank, /ranking, /ladder, /rating, [username]: Check your ranking on the ladder(s) of the server you are in. If username is typed in, then checks the ranking of the user.
  4. /whois, /whois [username]: Gets inofrmation about yourself. If username argument is used, gets info from another user. For % and up, you can see alts, and @ and up can see IP addresses.
  5. /msg [username], [message] OR /w [username], [message]: Private messages the username with the message.
  6. /reply [username]: Sends a message to the last person you talked to / who talked to you.
  7. /ignore [username]: Ignores a user, blocking all messages and PMs.
  8. /back: Reverses /away.
  9. /timestamps [all|lobby|pms], [minutes|seconds|off]: all changes all timestamps, lobby only changes lobby preferences, and pms changes timestamps on PMs. Minutes is to display minutes, seconds is to display seconds, and off is to turn timestamps off.
  10. /highlight [word], /highlight list, /highlight delete, [word], /highlight delete: Adds a word to highlight list, Shows highlight list, Deletes a word from highlight list, Deletes highlight list.
  11. /tour leave: Leaves tournament.
  12. /inv, /invite [username], [room]: Invites user to join a room in PM.
  13. spoiler: [message]: Produces a grayed out message area that requires users to hover over to see message.
  14. /statcalc [level] [base stat] [IVs] [nature] [EVs] [modifier]: Calculates actual stat of a Pokemon.
  15. /unblockpms: Undoes blockpms.
  16. /unblockchallenges: Undoes blockchallenges.
  17. /me [message]: Displays yourself talking the in third person:
  18. /data, /dt [item|pokemon|move]: Gives information on the item in question.
  19. /dexsearch, /ds [criteria], [criteria], .... [all]: Criteria are: type, tier, color, moves, ability, gen, recovery, priority, stat. Finds Pokemon that fits criteria.
  20. /randompokemon [number], [criteria]....: Gets number Pokemon from the dexseacrh list of the criteria.
  21. /weak, /weakness [Pokemon]: Displays types that the Pokemon are weak to.
  22. /movesearch [criteria], [criteria]...[all]: Criteria are type, category, flag, status inflicted, type boosted, and numeric range for base power, pp, and accuracy. Finds moves that fits criteria.
  23. /itemsearch [keyword], [keyword]...:Searches item that matches keywords.
  24. /faq: Displays the PS! FAQ.
  25. /intro: Shows an intro to competitive.
  26. /othermetas: Displays information about the OM on Smogon,
  27. /learn [pokemon], [move], [move]...: Displays if the Pokemon can learn said moves.
  28. /analysis [pokemon]: Displays the smogon analysis of the Pokemon.
  29. /cap: Shows information of Smogon's Create-A-Pokemon project.
  30. /formatshelp [group|format]: Provides more information of a speicfic tiering group / format.
  31. /calc: Provides a link to the PS! Damage calculator.
  32. /help, /help [command]: Shows general help on commands, Gives a detailed description of the command.
  33. /pr, /pickrandom [option], [option]....: Picks one out of a list of option.
  34. /dice [number]: Picks a random number between the 1 and the given number.
  35. /veekun [pokemon|item|move]: Links the veekun page for argument.
  36. /coverage [move1], [move2]....: Displays the type coverage effectiveness of moves.
  37. /effectiveness [attack], [defender]: Displays the effectiveness of an attack on a Pokemon.
  38. /details [pokemon]: Displays additional details about the Pokemon.
  39. % / Room % Commands:
  40. /k, /kick, /warn [username], [reason]: Warns the user based on the reason.
  41. /m, /mute [username], [reason]: Mutes a user for given reason for 7 minutes.
  42. /hourmute [username], [reason]: Mutes a user for an hour.
  43. /alts [username]: Displays the alts for that user.
  44. /forcerename, /fr [username], [reason]: Forces a user to change their name.
  45. /modlog [room], [number]: Displays number amount of lines from the moderator logs in room.
  46. /modnote [message]: Adds a moderator note that can be read through modlog.
  47. /lock [username], [reason]: Locks a user and prevents them from chatting and PM'ing, except to the staff.
  48. /announce [message]: Announces the message in chat.
  49. /redirect [username], [room]: Redirects a user to another room.
  50. /roompromote [username]: Promotes a user to a room auth.
  51. /roomunpromote [username]: Demotes a user from room auth.
  52. /kickbattle [reason]: Kicks user from battle with reason.
  53. @ Commands:
  54. /tour create [format], [type]: Creates a format tournament in type mode.
  55. /tour end/stop/delete: Ends the tournament.
  56. /tour dq [username]: Disqualifies a user from the tournament.
  57. /tour settype [formate], [type]: Modifies a tournament.
  58. /tour autodq/setautodq [time]: Dq's a user if they do not respond in time.
  59. /tour getusers: Displays current people in tournament.
  60. /ban, /b [username], [reason]: Bans a user and their IP.
  61. /ip [username]: Displays IP of the username.
  62. /modchat [rank|off]: Turns chat into a state were a certain rank can talk, or turn it off.
  63. & Commands:
  64. /declare [message]: Declares a message to the chat distinctly.
  65. /forcewin [username]: Grants win to the user in battle.
  66. /promote [username], [rank]: Promotes username to rank.
  67. /demote [username], [rank]: Demotes username to rank.
  68. /banip [ip]: Bans an IP address.
  69. /roomintro [html]: Sets the room intro of the lobby.
  70. /mod [username]: Promotes user to Moderator.
  71. /showimage [url], [width], [height]: Displays a picture that is width wide and height high.
  72. /ipsearch [ip|range|host]: Searches for users with that range of IPs / IP, or host.
  73. /roomban, /rb [username], [reason]: Bans user from room.
  74. /roomvoice [username]: Promotes a user to room voice.
  75. /roomdevoice [username]: Removesroom voice from user.
  76. Commands:
  77. - /roomdriver [username]: Promotes user to Room %.
  78. - /roomdedriver [username]: Removes user from Room %.
  79. - /roomdemod [username]: Removes user from Room @.
  80. - /roomdeauth [username]: Removes auth from user.
  81. ~ Commands
  82. /forcepromote [username], [rank]: Promotes username to rank, even when offline.
  83. /admin [username]: Promotes user to Administrator.
  84. /makechatroom [roomname]: Makes chatroom with roomname.
  85. /dergisterchatroom [roomname]: Deletes a chatroom after a server restart.
  86. /privateroom on/off: Makes a room private/unprivate.
  87. /roomowner [username]: Promotes user to Room Owner.
  88. /roomdeowner [username]: Removes Room Owner from user.
  89. /globaldeclare [html]: Declares a message to every room on server.
  90. /cdeclare [html]: Declares a message to all chatrooms on server.
All pokemon showdown commandsPokemon

Pokemon Showdown Chat Commands