Vishnu Abhishek Mantra

One of themystical procedures undertaken in tantra is Abhishek. This procedure is mostsecret as has been mentioned in almost all the tantrars. As per Uttartantra,one should not follow Kula kritya without first getting one’s abhishek. Those,who perform kula procedures as a guru, without abhishek, their age, knowledge, fameand power gets burnt. Abhishek is a method by which one’s wealth, fame, powerand life span increases. It removes all sins, all mantra dosh and givesdesired things. It removes abhichar karma performed on a person byothers. It removes grah doshas. Even if one is bitten by Taskhak, it countersits poison. A sadhak should undertake this kriya whenever his power ,tej, intellect and wealth reduces. It can also be used during wrong deeds performed bya woman, it removes diseases of both mind & body, removes the bad fortune ofwomen. It can be performed at the bank of a river, in a sacred place, in theroot of a sacred tree, where four roads meet or in a temple.

This is considered a most powerful mantra to destroy enemies. This is an Aghori Protection Mantra from the Rudrayamala Tantra. The mantra is a Stambhan mantra to stop the enemy in his tracks. This mantra has to be recited 108 times taking the name of the enemy, who is harming you. This it has been stated in the Tantra will destroy his intellect. These Shiva mantras are the tribute to Lord Shiva in eleven different forms, Rudra Forms. The effects are multiplied if you chant the Mantra that is specific to the month. However, all other mantras can be recited too. Devotees normally practice this mantra during Shiva festivals like Maha Shivaratri or when Maha Rudra Yajna takes place. These powerful mantras are well known as Pavamana Pancha Suktas. Performing this homa brings positivism and purity in our life. Pavamana Homa is performed by invoking Lord Vishnu, Pavamana, Hanuman, Agni, Soma in the Kalashas and are worshiped in the mandala and the four adhyay of around 700 mantras are chanted and ahuti of each mantra is done.

In tantra sadhana,abhishek has a special mysterious place. In shakt sadhana, Shaktabhishek,Poornabhishek, Kramdiksha, Samrajya Diksha, Mahasamrajyadiksha etc. extremelydeep meaning subjects are involved. As diksha has a special meaning, in thesame manner Abhishek also has a special meaning. From the angle of Shaktsadhana, it is important to share something here on abhishek.
After diksha,shaktabhishek and poornabhishek are known every where in the tantra circles.Mantra is most important in both of them. After shaktabhishek, path of shaktiopens. After that, poornabhishek isperformed. From the ancient times, tantra deals in ten mahavidyas concept (Kali,Tara, Shodashi, Bhuvneshwari, Bhairavi, Chinnmasta, Dhoomavati, Bagla, Matangiand Luxmi). First three shaktis of ten mahavidyas are called trishakti. Fromthe stand point of piercing paramtattva, sadhana of this triad is essential forall the sadhakas.
MantraVishnu abhishek mantra sanskrit
In sadhana,one has to pierce both gross and subtle body and move inwards or upwards. Thegoal of it is realisation of one’s self or atmasakshatkaar. But before that,above the realm of emotions, one faces mahashunya. This mahashunya also has tobe pierced. For piercing mahashunya, kramadiksha is given, with the help ofwhich path of completeness (poornatva) is opened for the sadhak. For treadingthis path of completeness, piercing of mahashunya is essential. To pierce thatone needs power of chit shakti. Hence one feels that after poorn diksha, kramdiksha is essential. As earlier, in this kramanbhishek also mantra is principleentity and deity involved is Kaali. Shakti, which gives the feeling ofpreliminary and final annihilation is called Kaali. At that time, whole creationis covered with darkness. It’s upasana is done in dakshinamnaya. After Kali, Taraupasana is done. Thus after completion of this process of ichha and kriya,dakshina chaar converts to Sidhantachaar. Yogis take it under tripad sadhana.Mantra sadhana still prevails. Till now, both Kali and Tara has done their work( in some lineages, even Tripursundari is also taken here along with earliertwo).
After it comesSamrajyabhishek. Here upasaya is Tripursundari. This stage is upasana ofprashakti or paraprakriti. Here, it is important to know the mystery ofkamakala. After Iccha(desire) and Kriya(work), knowledge arises. But here also,mantra sadhana is essential. Here panchkoot diksha is needed. This diksha isalso on the level of Samrajyadiksha. After this, comes Maha-Samrajyabhishek. It’sgoal is to realize the state of Ardhnarishwar. In it, one gets sakshatkaar ofArdhambikeshwar or Ardhnarishwar. In philosophical context, this state can becompared to bhedabhed (dual-nondual state). Here mantra looses importanceand LAYA gains importance. Jeeva gets free of all the worldly five elementsand gets connected with the parmatama.
After thiscomes Atmadiksha but in some places Poornadiksha abhishek and Mahapoornadikshaabhishek have been mentioned. During Poorndiksha abhishek, completeness of yogtakes place. After mahapoorndiksha abhishek nothing is left. Acharyagana (teachers) saythat from mantra yog, mahabhav arises. After mahabhav comes mahalaya and thenone establishes in yoga permanently. During these stages outer movementdisappears and sadhak performs everything inwards or one can say that everyDOING is left behind and only BEING is experienced. Sadhak has no where to go,where ever he is, is TEERTH, a sacred place. People visit him. His presence alone gives themeverything.
It’s Rishi isDakshinamurti, Chand is Anushtup and devta is Shakti. By establishing a kalshaand using mango leaves, one’s abhishek is done with various mantras. A fewnames of various shaktis which are invokedfor doing abhishek of the sadhak are Rajrajeshwari, Rudra bhairavi, Tripursundari,Chinnmastika, Durga, Neel Saraswati, Dakshin Kalika, various forms of Chandi, Luxmi,Mangla-Nandini-Bhadra-Kirti-Pushti-Medha etc, Kamakhya, Tara, Tripurbhairavietc. In total, about 154 such shaktis have been mentioned in the scripture. Thenten direction devtas, shaktis of time division like samvatsar, paksha, tithi,days etc, all the planets, nakshatras, various yogas, increase and decrease ofvarious tithis and nakshatras, various putra ganas, various bhairavs, Brahma,Vishnu, Rudra, Iswar and Sadashiv, purush-prakriti, 16 vikars, attributes ofatma, various beejas, sacred rivers flowing above and below the earth, all theislands, oceans, naag, swaha-vashat-vakhat-fatkaar, prêt-kushmand-danav-pishach-guhyak-bhootganas, aluxmi, Kaalkarni, all the groups of sins, all the negatives powers etcare invoked for this purpose. Thus all the above shaktis are invited to doabhishek of the sadhak though the procedure is seen to be completed by one’sguru. During the process of abhishek, a sadhak is struck with a bunch of leavesof the kalasha immersed in it’s nectar on the head. Gurudev chants the mantraswith great anand and transfers the blessings of the divines through each hit.After going through the whole process which involves more than thirty hits onone’s crown, one is dazed and feels the blessings of the divine. Thus we cansay that through the medium of one’s guru, all above mentioned powers operate. It is further stated that by such an abhishekall the obstructions are removed, good fortunes are made to stay and alldesires are fulfilled. Thus importance of various abhisheks, have been discussedin foreword of Mahakaal Samhita published by Ganganath jha Sanskrit Vidypeeth.

Vishnu Mantra Hindi

We have notshared the actual procedure with various mantras used in it here, as that isfor a guru to perform. It is generally said that only one who has receivedpoornabhishek minimum, can qualify for performing such a thing. Wishing all the dear readers best of their spiritual practises during navratras which are starting tomorrow.…….Jai Ma…JaiGurudev….Om!