Smash Bros Brawl Mod Characters

RSBE01 - North America and Japan (NTSC)
RSBP01 - PAL regions

  1. Smash Bros Brawl Characters
  2. Super Smash Bros Brawl More Characters Mod
  3. Smash Bros Brawl Mod Characters

Now that you know how to use codes.. here we go with the mostly awaited game I guess. Only character modifiers are high (those include size codes) and camera modifiers. All codes work with either USBGecko or GeckoOS, and are region independent if not specifically marked!

Brawl-(also known as Brawl Minus or B-) is a mod of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.Brawl-was initially created as a parody of the then-popular Brawl+, which was designed to be balanced through reasonable tweaks to characters; in addition to its name being a pun on the mod, Brawl-'s goal instead was to give all characters incredible buffs until they all became equally overpowered, and thus, balanced.

  1. (, 01:03 PM) Probwontusethisaccountagain Wrote: Very nice. Do you plan on doing any Project M characters? My main focus is going to be on Brawl itself, but hopefully I'll move on to doing some mods as well.
  2. Project M, also known as Super Smash Bros. Project M or simply abbreviated to PM, was a game modification (mod) for the game Super Smash Bros. Brawl created by the community team called 'Project M Back Room', intended to emulate the faster-paced gameplay and taking other elements from its predecessor, Super Smash Bros. Melee, in response to fan complaints about Brawl.


It's only fair to include the names of the guys who made the codes:
Y.S.: Identifier codes for Japanese version, character modifier content codes, unrestricted pause camera in Japanese version
Link: testing character mods in NA version, porting identifiers to EU version, porting unrestricted pause cam to NA and EU verion

There are many more codes! I used those which are kinda relevant for VGGTS World. So go on and grab them!

How to install codes

If you already know what to do, click here to jump to the codes
All snapshots in this section were taken with a Nintendo DSi camera.

Step 1: Creating the text file

Open up Notepad or any other program you use to create or edit TXT files. Now, on the very first line of the document, put the GAME ID in as seen above. So if you're playing the NTSC-U version of SSBB, you would type RSBE01. For the PAL version, type RSBP01. Now hit Enter to go to the next line.

By popular request, here is a handy link to help you find GAME IDs for other Wii games. Another link here for GameCube games.

For line two, enter the name of the game. In this case, Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It doesn't have to be exact, just as long as you don't type in something that confuses you. Now hit Enter TWICE.

Step 2: Inputting the codes
The next line (line number 4) will be the name of the first code, like Mushroom Stacker for example. Again, type whatever you want as long as it's nothing vague. Hit Enter once.

Now type (or copy and paste from this page) in the codes themselves. Remember to seperate each code with the Enter key.

To add another code, hit Enter twice after the last code, and type the name of the new code (then the code itself like before). When you are done, you can save your TXT file. It can be any name you want, but to make things easy on yourself, I would name the TXT file after the game you are using cheats with.

Now put the text file you just made into the TXTCODES folder on the root of your SD card (make that folder if you don't have it already).

Step 3: Selecting the codes you want
Before proceeding, make sure you have a CODES folder on the root of your SD card, otherwise you'll have problems. If you don't have it, create that folder.

Now, place the SD card in the SD card slot on your Wii. Power the Wii on and start Homebrew Channel. Then start the Cheat Manager app, which hopefully you have installed on your SD card by now:

Once Cheat Manager is running, you should see a list of files inside the TXTCODES folder:

Choose the text file you are looking for with the A button (again, in this case it's Super Smash Bros. Brawl). You'll see a list of the codes in that text file:

To activate the code you want, press the Plus button (+) on your Wii Remote. To deactivate a code, press Minus (-). Codes that you want to be active will be marked with [+], and deactivated codes are marked with [-].

VERY IMPORTANT. Your changes will not be saved until you generate a GCT file, the actual cheat file that GeckoOS will read. When you are done choosing what codes you want activated, press the 1 button on your Wii Remote.

All done! Press any key to go back to the code list. You can repeat this entire step if you want to set up GCT files for other games (with a TXT file full of codes), but if you are all finished, press the Home button to return to the Homebrew Channel.

Step 4: Running GeckoOS
Once back in HBC, search for the GeckoOS application:

If you haven't already, insert the game disc. Now press A while highlighting Launch Game, and away you go! If everything went according to plan, you should see the text below as the game disc boots up.

If the codes do not work, you have either typed them in incorrectly or Ocarina may not be enabled. To see if Ocarina, the cheat engine itself, is activated, go down to Config Options, and move down to SD Cheats, making sure it is set to YES.

Character modifiers

This is IMPORTANT!!! All codes follow the following structure:

*Player identifiers*

North American AND Japanese version:

European version:

Possible code contents:

Size modifier:

Status modifiers:

Color Modifier:

Dark character:

Gravity modifier:

Defense ratio modifier:

Attack Ratio Modifier:


I admit this is some pretty tough stuff.. so let's make an example: player 1 should be double size Zelda. And we're using a European version:

Player 2 4x-size Peach would go like this. Again, we're using a European version:
Result will be:

Everything supersized

04AD76C0 40000000

Triple-Sized Characters and Items [WiiMaster]
Coded by spunit262, edited by Wiimaster.
04AD76C0 40800000

Assist Trophy/Pokémon size changers (beta)

NOTE: Modifier codes (the ones under the size mod codes) are optional and should only be used if you want a specific Assist Trophy or Pokemon to appear.

Assist Trophy size mod (NTSC-US):
C2718B84 00000005
3E608000 62731550
2C120086 41800010
2C1200B1 41810008
C0330000 D023004C
60000000 00000000
04001550 XXXXXXXX

Assist Trophy size mod (PAL):
C2713B04 00000005
3EE08000 62F71550
2C120086 41800010
2C1200B1 41810008
C0370000 D023004C
60000000 00000000
04001550 XXXXXXXX

Assist Trophy modifier (NTSC-US):
4A000000 90180F08
14000054 YYYYYYYY
E0000000 80008000

Assist Trophy modifier (PAL):
4A000000 9018F128
14000054 YYYYYYYY
E0000000 80008000

Assist Trophy - YYYYYYYY values:
01000000 Tingle
02000000 Waluigi
04000000 Dr. Wright
00010000 Metroid
00020000 Nintendogs
00040000 Mr. Resetti
00080000 Isaac
00100000 Saki Amamiya
00200000 Shadow
00400000 Stafy
00800000 Infantry and Tanks
00000100 Lakitu
00000200 Knuckle Joe
00000400 Hammer Bro.
00000800 Helirin
00001000 Kat & Ana
00002000 Jill & Drill Dozer
00004000 Lyn
00008000 Little Mac
00000001 Andross
00000002 Barbara
00000004 Gray Fox
00000008 Custom Robo
00000010 Samurai Goroh
00000020 Devil
00000040 Excitebike
00000080 Jeff

Pokémon size mod (NTSC-US):
C2718B84 00000006
3E608000 62731550
2C120062 4180001C
2C120085 41810014
C0330000 2C120075
40820008 D0230418
D023004C 00000000
04001550 XXXXXXXX

Pokémon size mod (PAL):
C2713B04 00000006
3EE08000 62F71550
2C120062 4180001C
2C120085 41810014
C0370000 2C120075
40820008 D0230418
D023004C 00000000
04001550 XXXXXXXX

Pokémon modifier (NTSC-US):
4A000000 90180F08
14000050 YYYYYYYY
E0000000 80008000

Pokémon modifier (PAL):
4A000000 9018F128
14000050 YYYYYYYY
E0000000 80008000

Pokémon - YYYYYYYY values:
00000001 Torchic
00000002 Celebi
00000004 Chikorita
00000008 Entei
00000010 Moltres
00000020 Munchlax
00000040 Deoxys
00000080 Groudon
00000100 Gulpin
00000200 Staryu
00000400 Ho-oh
00000800 Jirachi
00001000 Snorlax
00002000 Bellossom
00004000 Kyogre
00008000 Latios & Latias
00010000 Lugia
00020000 Manaphy
00040000 Weavile
00080000 Electrode
00100000 Metagross
00200000 Mew
00400000 Meowth
00800000 Piplup
01000000 Togepi
02000000 Goldeen
04000000 Gardevoir
08000000 Wobbuffet
10000000 Suicune
20000000 Bonsly


Smash Bros Brawl Characters

UNRESTRICTED Pause camera modifier

I included this code because it allows for much more awesome screenshots! Works for Diorama mode too!

North American version:

European version: (code fixed)
040A9444 4E800020
0410B500 38800001

Japanese version:

Nosebleed anyone? ;)

Mushroom/Lightning Stacker

Well, here it is. The coolest code ever invented for Super Smash Bros. Melee on GameCube is now available in Brawl!!! Like in Melee, this code stacks up the effects of the super mushroom, poison mushroom, and now lightning bolts! For example, if you were to touch another super mushroom even in giant state, you will double in size yet again! Another super mushroom, double yet again! The size will remain even with a real-time character change (Zelda<>Shiek, Samus<>Zero Suit Samus, Pokémon swaps, etc.)

Like in Melee, dying will also reset your size but this is way it is intended to be. The size will also reset when going through a door in the Subspace Emissary.

Also, replays will NOT be saved correctly. They'll certainly work while the codes are active, but once the Wii is reset, any replay that originally used this code will behave erratically unless the code is active (this also applies vice versa, normal replays may act strangely with the codes active).

Codes by Link and BlazingBarrager.

North American (NTSC-U) version:

European (PAL) version:

'Growth factor'

This code changes the multiplier of a Super Mushroom, Poison Mushroom, or Lightning Bolt (depending on which codes you use, of course). Basically, you can change how much a character will grow or shrink when using these items, overriding how the game normally changes size.

Codes by Link and BlazingBarrager.

North American (NTSC-U) versions:

Super Mushroom:
[default: 3FD9999A]

Poison Mushroom:
[default: 3F000000]
* In case the stacker is on, this value gets overwritten with 71% (3F3504F3) - this has technical reasons because the game seems to execute the shrink command twice.. while in regular game mode you still appear with 50% of your size, with the stacker it would be only 25%

Normal Lightning (shrinking you or enemies):
[default: 3F000000]

WTF Lightning (enlarging enemies):
[default: 4019999A]

European (PAL) versions:

Smash Bros Brawl Mod Characters

Super Mushroom:
[default: 3FD9999A]

Poison Mushroom:
[default: 3F000000]
* In case the stacker is on, this value gets overwritten with 71% (3F3504F3) - this has technical reasons because the game seems to execute the shrink command twice.. while in regular game mode you still appear with 50% of your size, with the stacker it would be only 25%

Smash Bros Brawl Mod Characters

Super Smash Bros Brawl More Characters Mod

Normal Lightning (shrinking you or enemies):
[default: 3F000000]

WTF Lightning (enlarging enemies):
[default: 4019999A]

Switch off Peach's dress

North American (NTSC-U) version:

48000000 XXXXXXXX
DE000000 80009380
58010000 00000148
10000003 00000000
E0000000 80008000

XXXXXXXX is depending on which player you are:
80672FA8 - P1
80672FB4 - P2
80672FC0 - P3
80672FCC - P4

European (PAL) version:


Diorama Mode: Trophy Size Modifier

S1 to S4 data has to be replaced with floating point values. If you remove them. Your game WILL crash.
Now for example: 40000000 is double size.. 3F800000 normal.
If tropy one should be double size and the rest normal.. your last two lines would be:
40000000 3F800000
3F800000 3F800000

North American (NTSC-U) version:

Smash Bros Brawl Mod Characters

C316D8CC 00000005
2C1E0004 40800018
57CE103A 65CE8000
61CE14E0 C00E0000
48000008 C0190034
60000000 00000000
060014E0 00000010
S1S1S1S1 S2S2S2S2
S3S3S3S3 S4S4S4S4
S1S1S1S1 = Size of trophy 1
S2S2S2S2 = Size of trophy 2
S3S3S3S3 = Size of trophy 3
S4S4S4S4 = Size of trophy 4

Deactivate trophy collission:
--Allows you to move trophies through each other
0516E588 FC207090
0516E688 FC207090

European (PAL) version:

C31617C0 00000005
2C1E0004 40800018
57CE103A 65CE8000
61CE14E0 C00E0000
48000008 C0190034
60000000 00000000
060014E0 00000010
S1S1S1S1 S2S2S2S2
S3S3S3S3 S4S4S4S4
S1S1S1S1 = Size of trophy 1
S2S2S2S2 = Size of trophy 2
S3S3S3S3 = Size of trophy 3
S4S4S4S4 = Size of trophy 4
Deactivate trophy collission:
--Allows you to move trophies through each other
0516247C FC207090
0516257C FC207090